Laboratory of Biological and
Bio-inspired Materials
Materials Science and Engineering
@ University of Pennsylvania

The Laboratory of Biological and Bio-inspired Materials led by Dr. Ling Li is based at the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Virginia Tech. Our group seeks to discover the fundamental structure-property relationships in multifunctional biological materials, elucidate the formation principles for biological and bio-inspired materials, develop novel in-situ mechanical measurement and analysis technologies, and finally develop bio-inspired structural and multifunctional materials. Feel free to browse our group website for more details. If you have any questions about me or my research, feel free to email me at lzli@sea.upenn.edu.
Our group is moving to the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at University of Pennsylvania in January 2024. The new group website will be updated soon. For information regarding graduate and postdoc openings, please email Dr. Li at lzli/at/seas/dot/upenn/dot/edu.