Laboratory of Biological and
Bio-inspired Materials
Materials Science and Engineering
@ University of Pennsylvania
2019 News

2019.12 – AWARD
Ling won the MIT Technology Review 35 Innovators under 35 China Award. Congratulations!

Our new work on biological and bio-inspired flexible scaled armor has been published in Nature Communications. Congrats to the team and particularly Ting and Zhifei!
Link to the article.

2019.12 – VT NEWS
Our work on biological and bio-inspired flexible scaled armor has been highlighted by VT news:
see link.

Our work on biological and bio-inspired flexible scaled armor has been highlighted in multiple news outlets:
Phys.org: Chiton mollusk provides model for new armor design
Science Daily: Innovative New Scale Armor Design Inspired by Chiton Mollusk
Lab Manager: Chiton Mollusk Provides Model for New Armor Design
Nature Asia: Materials: Molluscs inspire flexible armour
EurekAlert!: Chiton mollusk provides model for new armor design

Our new work on fabrication of photonic microbricks has been published in Advanced Functional Materials!
Link to the article.

2019.09 – FELLOWSHIP
Congratulations to Zhifei for receiving the Pratt fellowship from the Department of Mechanical Engineering.

Congratulations to the lab for receiving a new NSF INTERN grant!

Together with Dr. Li's family, we are celebrating the flourishing summer and welcoming the beginning of a new semester. What would be better than a group BBQ?

2019.07 – NEW MEMBER
Welcome our new postdoc Dr. Zian Jia! He recently graduated with a ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering from Stony Brook University.

A new collaborative work is published on Acta Biomaterialia. This work shows stingray cartilage skeletons pack mineral in clever ways to perform roles similar to bone!
Link to the article.

2019.07 – CEED C-TECH2 CAMP
Together with Dr. Yunhui Zhu’s group from EECS, we organized an outreach program on biological materials for high school girls through the CEED C-Tech2 camp Program. Biological materials are fun!

2019.06 – ARGONNE TRIP
Ting, Zhifei, and Hongshun spent four days at APS for new synchrotron measurements!

2019.06 – CONFERENCE
Ling chaired sessions and gave an invited talk on multifunctional biological materials at the 2019 Nature Inspired Surface Engineering (NISE) Conference. More details of the conference can be found here.

2019.05 – AWARD
Ling received the Outstanding Assistant Professor Award from College of Engineering, VT.

Wenkun presented a poster at the Dennis Dean Undergraduate Research and Creative Scholarship Conference at VT!

2019.03 – CONFERENCE
Zhifei, Ting, and Ling attended TMS 2019. Zhifei gave a very nice oral presentation and Ting won a poster award for her poster presentation! Way to go, Zhifei and Ting!

2019.01 – NEW MEMBERS
Welcome new undergraduate researchers: Liuni Chen, Yiming Tan, Wenkun Liu, and Zeyang Liu, and graduate student Hongshun Chen!

Prof. Silvia Vignolini (Chair), Prof. Leila Deravi, Prof. Mathias Kolle, Prof. Bodo Wilts, and Ling are organizing an upcoming Faraday Discussion on the topic of “Biological and Bio-inspired Optics”. The meeting will be held in Cambridge, United Kingdom (20-22 July 2020). More information about the meeting can be found here: http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/37131/biological-and-bio-inspired-optics-faraday-discussion.

2019.01 – NEW MEMBER
Shahbaz Mahmood Khan joins the group as a Fulbright Scholar! Welcome!