Laboratory of Biological and
Bio-inspired Materials
Materials Science and Engineering
@ University of Pennsylvania
2018 News

2018.12 – APS VISIT
Ting, Zhifei, Ling, and Wim Noorduin from AMOLF, Netherlands spent three productive days at beamline 32ID at APS. It’s always good to be back in the stations!

2018.11 – BNL VISIT
Ling visited the beamline 18-ID at NSLS-II at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Dr. Xiao and Dr. Lee, thanks so much for the kind invitation!

Congratulations to Zhifei and Hongshun who just passed their qualification exams!

2018.10 – SEMINAR HOST
Ling hosted a visit of Prof. Robert Ritchie from Berkeley for the Distinguished Seminar in the department!

Our work on a number of biological structural materials has been selected for a permanent exhibition on biomineralized structures in the Mineralien-Museum of Ruhr Museum in Essen, Germany. Check out Ting’s images on sea urchin spines. Link to the museum page: Link.

Our research is highlighted on Momentum – The Magazine for Virginia Tech Mechanical Engineering. Read the magazine here: Link.

2018.09 – AWARD
Ling receives the prestigious Young Investigator Award (YIP) from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR). Congrats to the research team! Thanks for all the hard work of the group! More exciting work is on the way.

Our recent NSF award on structural studies of biological cellular materials is reported by Virginia Tech News Office. Link to the article.

Ling is part of the organization committee of the new international conference on Nature Inspired Surface Engineering (NISE), a multidisciplinary conference (June 12-14, 2019). The conference will be hosted at the Stevens Institute of Technology, New Jersey, USA. We welcome abstract submissions on many topics of biomimetic surface science and engineering. More details of the conference can be found here.

2018.09 – GRANT AWARD
Together with a number of faculty members from the College of Engineering and other colleges on campus, our group receives a Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) award from the Institute For Critical Technology and Applied Science (ICTAS). Congrats to the team!

2018.08 – CONFERENCE
Ling attended the American Chemical Society National Meeting and Exposition in Boston, MA and delivered an invited talk in the session of Mechanistic Understanding of Mineral Growth and Dissolution. Thanks so much for the kind invitation, Ke and Sandy!
2018.08 – CONFERENCE
Ling attended the Gordon Research Conference on Biomineralization in New London, NH. The work on the structure and formation mechanisms of the biomineralized photonic structures of blue-rayed limpet has been selected as a poster talk.
Our collaborative work on plant seedcoat-inspired composites is published in Advanced Materials. Link to the article.
This work is also featured by the journal’s Inside Back Cover.
2018.08 – GRANT AWARD
Our group receives a grant award jointly supported by National Science Foundation and Air Force Office of Scientific Research. This project will investigate the multi-scale structural representation of biological cellular materials. The co-PI of this project is Dr. Yunhui Zhu from the Bradley Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Virginia Tech.
Our collaborative work on the coloration mechanisms of the Madagascar spider Phoroncidia rubroargenteais reported by the Harvard Gazette: “Eye-popping arachinids: Study explores extraordinary color traits in Madagascar spiders”. Link to the article.
2018.06 – CONFERENCE
Ting attended the 18th U.S. National Congress for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics and gave a presentation on her ongoing work on biological low-density cellular materials.
Our collaborative work on the controlled nucleation and growth of crystals published in PNAS is reported by Virginia Tech News Office. Link to the article.
Our collaborative work on bio-inspired steels is published in Scientific Reports. Link to the article.

2018.03 – APS TRIP
Ting, Zhifei, Jinjin, Viktor, and Smriti visited Argonne National Laboratory and conducted in-situ mechanical measurements during the four-day beamline time at Advanced Photon Source. Lots of fun and data!

2018.03 – CONFERENCE
Ling co-organized and co-chaired a focused and an invited session on “Physics of Bioinspired Materials” at 2018 American Physical Society March Meeting.
Our work on controlled nucleation and growth of crystals is published in PNAS. Link to the article.

Our work on the coloration mechanisms of the Madagascar spider Phoroncidia rubroargentea is highlighted with the cover image on Journal of the Royal Society Interface. Link to the journal.