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2017 News

2018.02 - GATHERING

The group had a lunch gathering at Asian Cafe to celebrate the Chinese New Year! Happy Chinese New Year to you all!


Our collaborative work on the coloration mechanisms of an intriguing Madagascar spider has been accepted for publication in Journal of Royal Society Interface! Congrats to the team!



Dr. Kyoo Chul Park (Northwestern University), Dr. Sung Hoon Kang (JHU), Dr. Mathias Kolle (MIT) and Ling are organizing two sessions at the 2018 APS March Meeting, Los Angeles, CA (March 5-9).

           GSOFT/DBIO Invited session: Lessons from Biological Soft Materials and Their Applications
           Focused session: Physics of Bio-inspired Soft Materials

2017.09 - GRANT AWARD

Together with Dr. Ron Shahar from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, our collaborative proposal on the mechanical design of teeth of some marine animals is funded by the US-Israel NSF/BSF program.


Dr. Haimin Yao from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and Ling are organizing a symposium (track 345) titled “Mechanics of Natural Biomaterials: From Understanding to Applications” at the 18th USNCTAM Congress, Chicago (June 5-9). The deadline of abstract submission is Nov. 25 2017. We welcome submissions of abstracts themed at biological and bio-inspired structural materials via either experimental or theoretical approaches.

2017.08 - NEW MEMBER

Zhifei Deng joins our group as a graduate student. Welcome, Zhifei!


Ting, Viktor, Jinjin and Ling visited the Advanced Photon Source at Argonne National Laboratory. The team performed a number of tomography and in-situ mechanical measurements!


2017.06 - NEW MEMBER

Ting Yang joins our group as a graduate student. Welcome, Ting!    


2017.05 - NEW MEMBERS

Viktor Dyke, Viktor Zorya, and Smriti Kandel join our group as undergraduate researchers! Welcome to the team!

2017.04 - APS AWARD

Our proposal has been selected and allocated beam time by Advanced Photon Source at Argonne National Lab.


2017.03 - INVITED TALK

Ling gave an invited talk on TMS Annual Meeting and Exhibition. The title of the talk was “Biological and bio-inspired multifunctional structural materials”. Thanks for the kind invitation, Dr. Xiao!


2017.03 - NEW MEMBER

Dr. Jinjin Zhong joins our group as a visiting scholar from Xiamen University, China. Welcome! Looking forward to the two-year collaboration and Thanks to Dr. Shuai and Dr. Hou!


Our collaborative work on the morphogenesis of synthetic composite microstructures is published in Science! Link to the article. 

            SEAS Harvard News Release: Sculpting optical microstructures with slight changes in chemistry

            Nanowerk: Sculpting optical microstructures with slight changes in chemistry

   Sculpting optical microstructures with slight changes in chemistry

2017.01 - NEW PHASE

Ling starts his assistant professorship at the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Virginia Tech.

©Laboratory of Biological and Bio-inspired Materials 2024

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