Laboratory of Biological and
Bio-inspired Materials
Materials Science and Engineering
@ University of Pennsylvania
1. Facilities in the Li laboratory
The Li laboratory is located at Room 315, LRSM Building.
MicroMaterials instrumented nanoindentation system (NanoTest Vantage)
Indentation (load range: 0.5~500 mN; maximum indentation depth: ~40 um; multiple indentor geometries such as Berkovich, cube corner, and conospherical)
Optical imaging (Magnifications: 5X, 10 X 20 X and 40 X. This allows for sample positioning with accuracy of ~1 um)
Scratching (multiple scratch and topography)
Humidity cell (0~100% humidity level)
Nanoimpact testing (single vs. repetitive impact modes, maximum frequency 500 Hz, maximum amplitude 5 um)
Mechanical testing devices
Universal mechanical tester (maximum load: 50lbs and 1000lbs)
Multiple customized in-situ loading devices for synchrotron X-ray tomography
Inverted microscope (Zeiss, AxioObserver)
Optical Microscope (Zeiss, Discovery V8)
Metallurgical Microscope
Other instruments
UV-VIS spectrometer (Agilent Technologies, Cary 60)
Low-speed diamond saw
Double-wheeled polisher
UV Exposure System
Memmert Oven